The Healing Power of Yoga
I love introducing new students to the healing power of yoga and my favorite part is hearing their stories of how it has changed their lives for the better. Here … Continue readingThe Healing Power of Yoga
Connecting to the wisdom within.
I love introducing new students to the healing power of yoga and my favorite part is hearing their stories of how it has changed their lives for the better. Here … Continue readingThe Healing Power of Yoga
I was never a big fan of poetry in school. I remember choosing the shortest poem I could find when I needed to memorize a poem in the 6th grade. … Continue readingSaved by a Poem
I have been told in my dream circles to pay special attention to anything that someone gives to you in your dream. In a recent dream a woman gave me … Continue readingNothing
I remember Walter Cronkite used to end his news report by saying, “And that’s the way it is,” and I believed him. I know now that this is just one … Continue readingPerception
I received this as an opening line in a message from a friend. “I’ve been asking myself WWJD (What Would Janet Do)?” I thought it was funny, and especially so … Continue readingWhat’s the lesson?
Diet and exercise are important aspects of heart health, but they are only part of the complete picture. Common language reminds us of this when we speak of what warms … Continue readingConnecting through the Heart
According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the United States could save 470,000 trees, 1.2 million feet of cubic landfill space, and 169 million gallons of water if everyone in … Continue readingWho gives a crap? I hope you do!
Cats know how to be steady and comfortable. Yogis know that a good yoga pose is steady and comfortable, as described in the Yoga Sutras. How do we know if … Continue readingSteady and Comfortable
I like little rituals, and I have little altars everywhere in my home as reminders that there is more to life than going through the motions, and so much more … Continue readingRituals and Altars
I once saw a guy throw his phone down onto a cement sidewalk after receiving some sort of news he didn’t like. I thought, “Yup, that’s a redhead.” and “He … Continue readingResponse-ability
If necessity is the mother of invention, frustration can be called the mother of change. Sometimes it has to get pretty bad before we are willing to make the … Continue readingFocus on Wellness with Ayurveda