What’s the lesson?
I received this as an opening line in a message from a friend. “I’ve been asking myself WWJD (What Would Janet Do)?” I thought it was funny, and especially so … Continue readingWhat’s the lesson?
Connecting to the wisdom within.
I received this as an opening line in a message from a friend. “I’ve been asking myself WWJD (What Would Janet Do)?” I thought it was funny, and especially so … Continue readingWhat’s the lesson?
It’s one thing to be inspired by someone – to have a role model to look up to – but it is quite another thing to compare ourselves to others. … Continue readingIncomparable
Diet and exercise are important aspects of heart health, but they are only part of the complete picture. Common language reminds us of this when we speak of what warms … Continue readingConnecting through the Heart
One of my yoga students wanted to share the following statement as a Public Service Announcement (P.S.A.) for alternative or holistic solutions for people suffering with anxiety: “When I started … Continue readingPublic Service Announcement
I identify with witches. Not the evil kind, but the wise-old-woman-healer kind. I have a black cat, I simmer chicken bones overnight in a big pot to make bone broth, … Continue readingBest Witches
I like little rituals, and I have little altars everywhere in my home as reminders that there is more to life than going through the motions, and so much more … Continue readingRituals and Altars
Negative self-talk is toxic and often we are not even aware that we are doing it. Consider that running commentary going on in your head, what are you saying to … Continue readingWhat do you say when you talk to yourself?
This is for my neighbor who has been walking outside for three months now, and says he feels better than he has in years! So much better that he’s going … Continue readingOutside
I once saw a guy throw his phone down onto a cement sidewalk after receiving some sort of news he didn’t like. I thought, “Yup, that’s a redhead.” and “He … Continue readingResponse-ability
Tuning in to the messages of the universe. Remember the 3-D magic eye pictures that were the optical illusion craze in the 90’s? On the surface it looked like a … Continue readingSynchronicity, Dreams and Intuition
When I think of the 4th of July I think of freedom. When I think of freedom, I think of this quote from My Grandfather’s Blessings by Rachel Naomi Remen, M.D. Her … Continue readingBecoming Clear
Here’s a trick question: How many poses are listed in The Yoga Sutras? You might expect the book that is considered to be the bible of yoga to be stuffed … Continue readingThe Science of the Mind