Asking Why
The route to root causes. Whenever I answer my husband’s question, ”What’s the matter?” His reply is, “That’s not it. What is it really?” He knows continued questioning leads past … Continue readingAsking Why
Connecting to the wisdom within.
The route to root causes. Whenever I answer my husband’s question, ”What’s the matter?” His reply is, “That’s not it. What is it really?” He knows continued questioning leads past … Continue readingAsking Why
If it doesn’t open, it’s not your door. This is my message right now. Isn’t it nice that messages come to us in many forms? The very words we need … Continue readingIf it doesn’t open, it’s not your door.
I am a Grandmother now, but I can look back and remember a time when I thought the world would end before I had the chance to find love, get … Continue readingFears for the Future
I saw the first hint of fall in the leaves on my morning walk. Change is always coming. May we gracefully flow with the ever unfolding changes of life. Those … Continue readingChange
Becoming Wise An Inquiry into the Mystery and Art of Living by Krista Tippet (I’m still reading in the grass, after my last book on grounding.) This latest book is … Continue readingBecoming Wise
If you are feeling anxious, you are not alone; anxiety is the number one issue my students tell me they would like yoga to help them with. I always tell … Continue readingAnxiety Relief
Brene Brown explains in her book The Gifts of Imperfection that the root of the word courage is cor – the Latin word for heart. Courage originally meant “To speak … Continue readingEncourage
Every morning we are given a treasure – 86,400 seconds to ‘spend’ – it’s like a fairy tale come true. Are we spending time on what matters most to us? … Continue readingHow will you spend your treasure?
I was never a big fan of poetry in school. I remember choosing the shortest poem I could find when I needed to memorize a poem in the 6th grade. … Continue readingSaved by a Poem
I have been told in my dream circles to pay special attention to anything that someone gives to you in your dream. In a recent dream a woman gave me … Continue readingNothing
We can’t buy beauty, no matter how much advertisers would like us to believe this, but there is one beauty treatment that instantly works wonders. A smile! Like the Fonze, … Continue readingBeauty Secret
I remember Walter Cronkite used to end his news report by saying, “And that’s the way it is,” and I believed him. I know now that this is just one … Continue readingPerception