Be Your Own Beloved


If you are in need of some self care – these things helped me – I hope they help you too 🙂

Be Your Own Beloved This is the web site that got me started on the word Beloved.
I signed up for the 7 day course, there is also an e-book, and a 30 day course. Self Love Through Selfies – impossible? I used to think so.

If we were in a yoga class together I’d read this as you relaxed – breathing evenly and deeply – so take three deep breaths as you read. Better yet, record yourself reading it and play it for yourself.

My beloved child,
Break your heart no longer.
Each time you judge yourself you break your own heart.
You stop feeding on the love which is the wellspring of your vitality.
The time has come, your time
To live, to celebrate, and to see the goodness that you are …
Let no one, no thing, no idea or ideal obstruct you,
if one comes, even in the name of “Truth”, forgive it for its Unknowing
DO not fight.
Let go.
And Breathe – into the goodness that you are.
~ Bapuji Indian Master

If we were in a workshop together we’d do a writing exercise and some art.
This Free Verse Frame came from some writing exercise papers I had saved from my son’s High School English class.
The original frame was a house.

This is the house where I live.
This is where …
This is where …
This is where …
And you can hear …
And see …
And feel …
And somebody cares.

Change it to be My Body/ My Home and fill it in.
My Body is the home where I live.
In this body I …
In this body I …
In this body I …
I can hear …
And see …
And feel …
And I care about me.

Now I invite you to practice the art of making paper snowflakes, since we are each as unique as snowflakes. And …
Play is the back door to wisdom and …
a very good way to relieve stress.
I’m sure you remember how to do it. Use any paper, fold it in half, trim it to be square, fold it in half again, and once again. Then cut! You can get one big one and two little ones from one 81/2 by 11 paper, but you can use any kind of paper in any size. It’s yogi’s choice! Thinner is easier to cut though.

Save your work in a journal to revisit the next time you need a boost.