My Invisible Friends
I get by with a little help from my (invisible) friends – in fact, the microbes in our gut outnumber the cells in our body 10 – 1! Because they … Continue readingMy Invisible Friends
Connecting to the wisdom within.
I get by with a little help from my (invisible) friends – in fact, the microbes in our gut outnumber the cells in our body 10 – 1! Because they … Continue readingMy Invisible Friends
I have been told in my dream circles to pay special attention to anything that someone gives to you in your dream. In a recent dream a woman gave me … Continue readingNothing
We can’t buy beauty, no matter how much advertisers would like us to believe this, but there is one beauty treatment that instantly works wonders. A smile! Like the Fonze, … Continue readingBeauty Secret
I remember Walter Cronkite used to end his news report by saying, “And that’s the way it is,” and I believed him. I know now that this is just one … Continue readingPerception
I received this as an opening line in a message from a friend. “I’ve been asking myself WWJD (What Would Janet Do)?” I thought it was funny, and especially so … Continue readingWhat’s the lesson?
It’s one thing to be inspired by someone – to have a role model to look up to – but it is quite another thing to compare ourselves to others. … Continue readingIncomparable
The art of Jeanne F Goodman perfectly illustrates my story… My husband and I recently started camping again. It’s something we both did as kids because our parents liked to … Continue readingClose Encounter
Diet and exercise are important aspects of heart health, but they are only part of the complete picture. Common language reminds us of this when we speak of what warms … Continue readingConnecting through the Heart