I once saw a guy throw his phone down onto a cement sidewalk after receiving some sort of news he didn’t like. I thought, “Yup, that’s a redhead.” and “He … Continue readingResponse-ability
Connecting to the wisdom within.
I once saw a guy throw his phone down onto a cement sidewalk after receiving some sort of news he didn’t like. I thought, “Yup, that’s a redhead.” and “He … Continue readingResponse-ability
Tuning in to the messages of the universe. Remember the 3-D magic eye pictures that were the optical illusion craze in the 90’s? On the surface it looked like a … Continue readingSynchronicity, Dreams and Intuition
If necessity is the mother of invention, frustration can be called the mother of change. Sometimes it has to get pretty bad before we are willing to make the … Continue readingFocus on Wellness with Ayurveda
When I think of the 4th of July I think of freedom. When I think of freedom, I think of this quote from My Grandfather’s Blessings by Rachel Naomi Remen, M.D. Her … Continue readingBecoming Clear
Here’s a trick question: How many poses are listed in The Yoga Sutras? You might expect the book that is considered to be the bible of yoga to be stuffed … Continue readingThe Science of the Mind
We Live Too Short and Die Too Long: How to Achieve and Enjoy Your Natural 100-Year-Plus Life Span by Walter M. Bortz II, M.D. I am always on the look … Continue readingWe Live Too Short
If 40 is the new 30 and 60 is the new 40, where will we be when we’re 90? Hopefully we will find ourselves happy and healthy, but much of … Continue readingBuilding a Happy, Healthy Future
My favorite smoothie combines chia seed, blueberry, kale and almond milk. When we first started making smoothies at home we added yogurt to make them rich and creamy. After about … Continue readingSmoothies
Any activity practiced daily with sincerity and persistence can become a personal spiritual practice. Though I am a yoga instructor, taking guitar lessons from my guitar guru is what has … Continue readingMindful Practice Makes Perfect
I find it ironic that I am a big proponent of cutting time on the Internet and yet I have a blog that I would like people to go online … Continue readingSearch Inside Yourself
Breakfast (break-the-fast) is a word that reminds us that it used to be common practice to fast nightly from 7 pm to 7 am. The power of our digestive fires … Continue readingBreak-the-fast
Yoga teachers are told they need a personal practice that is nourishing to avoid burn out. Does a teacher who teaches yoga several times a day really need to do … Continue readingPersonal Practice